MICAS Diġitali

Between Sea and Land is presented on DIGITAL MICAS, a virtual rendering of the MICAS internal gallery spaces that will be hosting exhibitions to allow for the virtual interrogation of the spaces, establish a platform that will cater for the new technologies and above all showcase art. The platform is being developed in conjunction with VORTIC ART.
Between Sea and Land is presented on DIGITAL MICAS, a virtual rendering of the MICAS internal gallery spaces that will be hosting exhibitions to allow for the virtual interrogation of the spaces, establish a platform that will cater for the new technologies and above all showcase art. The platform is being developed in conjunction with VORTIC ART.


Timothy Rub: ‘Il-MICAS se jarrikkixxi t-tessut kulturali Malti’

Timothy Rub: ‘Il-MICAS se jarrikkixxi t-tessut kulturali Malti’

Kummenti mill-mistiedna għal-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-MICAS, 25 ta' Ottubru, 2024
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